Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Is stretching harmful?

Could your preworkout routine lead to injury?

Have you seen runners pulling their heels back preparing for a morning jog? Have you watched a pickup basketball game begin with deep knee bends? Should we stretch before we work out? This is more complex than a yes or no--let's look at the research and the evidence:

Types: The most common type of stretching is (A) Static stretching: holding an elongated muscle for 10-30 seconds until it feels released. (B) Ballistic stretching is a bounce & repeat stretch, while (C) Dynamic stretching involves gentle motion, similar to exaggerated warm up time. Examples of this are knee lifts, long lunges, and gentle arm swings.

Risks: Static stretching has been shown to lengthen tissue, immediately decrease strength by 20-30%, and increase injury rates from 0-15% (depending on the study). Long, 2-joint muscles, are at increased risk (eg hamstrings, quadriceps, triceps). Static stretching requires multi-daily and long-term repitition to increase range of motion. Ballistic stretching has been shown to increase microtearing, & risk of injury elevates. Dynamic involves controlled motions and is less damaging to tissue, though it produces less immediate lengthening.

The most important feature of stretching is what you are telling your brain. Your brain is in control of how tight or relaxed your muscles will be. I consider static & ballistic stretching "arguments" with your brain and dynamic stretching "cooperation". Research supports calm, gradual warmup periods. Allow time for your body to get ready for activity.

Dr. Anthony's Advice: Save static or ballistic stretching for after a workout--and only targeted on areas you're looking for more range of motion, not on every sore muscle. Include dynamic stretching as part of a 5-10 minute warmup for any intense activity. Your body will be less likely to injure, and you'll be able to keep performing your best.

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